We Asked AI to Take Us On a Tour of Our Cities. It Was Chaos

We Asked AI to Take Us On a Tour of Our Cities. It Was Chaos

With high hopes of finding some hidden gems in our home cities and $100 (£77) each burning a hole in our pockets, we—Natasha Bernal in London and Amanda Hoover in New York—asked AI to plan out the perfect day. We decided to use Littlefoot, an AI-powered local discovery chatbot that can generate experiences in 161…

Apple, Nvidia, Anthropic Used Thousands of Swiped YouTube Videos to Train AI

Apple, Nvidia, Anthropic Used Thousands of Swiped YouTube Videos to Train AI

In response to the suits, defendants such as Meta, OpenAI, and Bloomberg have argued that their actions constitute fair use. A case against EleutherAI, which originally scraped the books and made them public, was voluntarily dismissed by the plaintiffs. Litigation in remaining cases remains in the early stages, leaving the questions surrounding permission and payment…

Everything You See Is a Computational Process, If You Know How to Look

Everything You See Is a Computational Process, If You Know How to Look

The original version of this story appeared in Quanta Magazine. In the movie Oppenheimer, Niels Bohr challenges the physicist early in his career: Bohr: Algebra is like sheet music. The important thing isn’t “can you read music?” It’s “can you hear it?” Can you hear the music, Robert? Oppenheimer: Yes, I can. I can’t hear the algebra,…

Google DeepMind’s Chatbot-Powered Robot Is Part of a Bigger Revolution

Google DeepMind’s Chatbot-Powered Robot Is Part of a Bigger Revolution

In a cluttered open-plan office in Mountain View, California, a tall and slender wheeled robot has been busy playing tour guide and informal office helper—thanks to a large language model upgrade, Google DeepMind revealed today. The robot uses the latest version of Google’s Gemini large language model to both parse commands and find its way…

How Disinformation From a Russian AI Spam Farm Ended up on Top of Google Search Results

How Disinformation From a Russian AI Spam Farm Ended up on Top of Google Search Results

In the space of 24 hours, a piece of Russian disinformation about Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky’s wife buying a Bugatti car with American aid money traveled at warp speed across the internet. Though it originated from an unknown French website, it quickly became a trending topic on X and the top result on Google. On…

His Galaxy Wolf Art Kept Getting Ripped Off. So He Sued—and Bought a Home

His Galaxy Wolf Art Kept Getting Ripped Off. So He Sued—and Bought a Home

“With every one shop that I got to take [items] down, another 10 popped up out of nowhere,” Jödicke says. “I almost wanted to give up on my art, because I felt so devastated that people would just take my work and profit out of it, and I didn’t see anything from it.” The widespread…

The New ‘Ethical’ AI Music Generator Can’t Write a Halfway Decent Song

The New ‘Ethical’ AI Music Generator Can’t Write a Halfway Decent Song

Admittedly, our testing artists did push Jen beyond the boundaries of what a “normal” person might ask in a query, veering more toward a “record store clerk” level of familiarity with recorded sound. Cleveland, for instance, failed to get anything good out of a query for “mid-tempo California garage rock influenced by ’70s Indonesian pop,”…