The Dark Secrets Buried at Red Cloud Boarding School

The Dark Secrets Buried at Red Cloud Boarding School

When Small entered the cemetery for the first time in the summer of 2012, she burned sweetgrass—a plant with spiritual significance across Native cultures. “The sweetgrass brings the spirits in, wakes them up,” she said. She spent her first days walking through the rows, cross-referencing a list of burial plots with the names carved into…

Congress Wants to Take Back Power Over Crypto

Congress Wants to Take Back Power Over Crypto

The US crypto business is having an identity crisis, which could become an existential one. Are cryptocurrencies commodities, like gold and pork bellies? Or securities, like stocks and futures? The Securities and Exchange Commission, America’s top financial regulator, is so convinced that cryptocurrencies are the latter that it’s suing one of the world’s largest crypto…

Can Twitter Alternatives Escape the Enshittification Trap?

Can Twitter Alternatives Escape the Enshittification Trap?

Is it possible for a social media platform to plan for its own death? I’ve been thinking about that while enjoying Bluesky’s “fizzy, fuck-around energy,” as my WIRED colleague Kate Knibbs described the (still) invite-only Twitter alternative a few months back. The shitposting, the earnestness, the bad takes from novices trying to figure out the…

London Wants American Crypto Refugees

London Wants American Crypto Refugees | WIRED

The Sunak government’s desire to attract crypto could give impetus to attempts to build a more comprehensive regime for the industry. But it could also create competing incentives. Critics of the government’s approach say they fear that expediting regulations and giving the crypto industry too much room to maneuver could lead to decisions that expose…

A Crypto Micronation’s Future Hangs on a Border Dispute

A Crypto Micronation’s Future Hangs on a Border Dispute | WIRED

Shooed away, the Liberty parked up on the opposite riverbank, on the Serbian side, just outside Liberland territory. Its passengers disembarked on a makeshift ramp made of planks and a ladder. The others had already arrived. “You haven’t been arrested yet?” said Štern-Vukotić. “Well, the day is still young.” In spite of the police presence,…

Porto Digital Is the Quixotic Tech Hub That Actually Worked

Porto Digital Is the Quixotic Tech Hub That Actually Worked

Cristiano Lincoln Mattos, CEO and cofounder at Tempest, which also spun out of Cesar, attributes the very existence of his company to the ecosystem’s ability to translate expertise from the academic world into market needs. “We wouldn’t even be able to create the company if we didn’t have Cesar’s support at the start, especially considering…