Shocking Leaked Tesla Documents Hint at Cybertruck Problems

Shocking Leaked Tesla Documents Hint at Cybertruck Problems | WIRED

Cars crashing into bollards, brakes slamming on to avoid imaginary collisions, and more than 2,400 complaints of cars accelerating out of their owner’s control. The 100 gigabytes worth of internal Tesla documents leaked to the German newspaper Handelsblatt present a sobering picture of the EV company’s technical limitations. The 23,000 files obtained by Handelsblatt cover issues…

Meta’s $1.3 Billion Fine Is a Strike Against Surveillance Capitalism

Meta’s $1.3 Billion Fine Is a Strike Against Surveillance Capitalism

Europe’s GDPR has just dealt its biggest hammer blow yet. Almost exactly five years since the continent’s strict data rules came into force, Meta has been hit with a colossal €1.2 billion fine ($1.3 billion) for sending data about hundreds of millions of Europeans to the United States, where weaker privacy rules open it up…

Autonomous Worlds Aim to Free Online Games From Corporate Control

Autonomous Worlds Aim to Free Online Games From Corporate Control

OPCraft was built to demonstrate blockchain-related features like that, and also to demonstrate a toolkit developed by 0xPARC’s Lattice for building on-chain games. Conventional videogames are often built using game engines such as Unreal Engine that speed up the work by handling lower-level details of the programming of 3D environments and other components. OPCraft was…

Twitter’s New CEO, Linda Yaccarino, Has a Fearsome To-Do List

Twitter’s New CEO, Linda Yaccarino, Has a Fearsome To-Do List

Some airlines have stopped offering customer service through Twitter because of the changes. Transit authorities and public health agencies paused auto-posting safety alerts until Twitter backed down on plans to make them pay the higher API fees. More confusion could be coming. Musk has said he will purge inactive accounts, potentially allowing the takeover of user…